Photo by Yana Toyber

Where do you work?

For the moment, we work in Montreal, but we've also worked near Saint-Sauveur (using the bike trail called Le P'tit Train du Nord), as well as Vancouver and Nelson, British Columbia.

How much do you charge?

To start, if your budget is small, don’t worry! We can do detailed consultations with you (usually about 1 hour) then create a subsequent plan and budget if you order it, so that you can then do the labour yourself. Or you can work alongside us to keep costs down. And of course, we can do the installations in their entirety for you. We work fast and efficiently, aim for simplicity, and often reuse materials (salvaging what we can), which can help to reduce prices further. Simply email us to receive more information on our current rates.

What do you do if a job requires a large delivery of materials?

In Montreal, we have two heavy-duty bike trailers that can carry as much as a pickup truck. We also try to find simple solutions for beautiful and functional gardens that require less materials to be transported. If, for example, several tons of stone are needed, we will use the nursery's own delivery service.

Are those goats in the picture real?


How did they get there?

The photographer found them like that.